Pdt. Binsar Jonathan Pakpahan, Ph.D.

profile picture 20160622_194106 (2)Biodata Singkat

Wakil Ketua III: Bidang Kemahasiswaan.

Pengampu MK: Filsafat, Etika, dan Teologi Sosial.

Email: b.pakpahan@stftjakarta.ac.id.

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1. Shameless and Guiltless: The Role of Two Emotions in the Context of the Absence of God in Public Practice in the Indonesian Context”

Dalam Jurnal: Journal Exchange 45/1 2016. ISSN: 0166-2740.  Brill. pp: 1-20.

Abstraksi: God is very much present in the public domain in Indonesia. Even so, honesty and integrity are absent in public practices, especially with regard to the high number of corruption cases. Biblical communities show that the two character traits were originally inseparable in a shame-based society when acted out as both personal and public conscience by doing what God wanted them to do. In the development of Christian theology, and also specifically in the Indonesian context, the two emotions became separated. Such separation has led to the evidential lack of both of these emotions and has shown to be inoperative in the convicted corruptors in Indonesia. Anton Houtepen says that we can trace God from operative emotions. The lack of emotions of shame and guilt shows that public religiosity does not correlate with the presence of God in public practices in Indonesia.

Kata-Kata Kunci: Anton Houtepen; shame; Stephen Pattison; Indonesia; religiosity; corruption; guilt; emotion; public domain

Lihat Cover: Cover Exchange 2016 BJP


Lihat Peer-Review: Peer Review Jurnal Exchange

2.”Teologi Ingatan Sebagai Dasar Rekonsiliasi dalam Konflik”

Dalam Jurnal: Jurnal Diskursus, Vol. 12 No. 2, Oktober 2013. ISSN: 1412-3878. Pusat Penelitian Filsafat dan Teologi STF Driyarkara. pp. 253-277.

Abstraksi: Dengan Semakin majunya teknologi “memori”, sekarang dunia menghadapi cara baru untuk menyelesaikan ingatan-ingatan traumatisnya. Kecenderungan (trend) baru menunjukkan bahwa mengingat dan bukan melupakan, adalah langkah penting untuk menyelesaikan konflik menuju rekonsiliasi sejati. Teologi Kristen menawarkan kesempatan untuk mengalami kesembuhan dari ingatan yang menyakitkan dalam anamnesis dalam perayaan Ekaristi. Tiga orang teolog dari latar belakang berbeda membantu merumuskan bagaimana mengingat dapat terjadi dalam proses rekonsiliasi. Johann Baptist Metz meminta kita untuk mengingat mereka yang menderita. Alexander Schmemann mengatakan bahwa letak ingatan ada dalam Ekaristi. Miroslav Volf meminta ingatan yang jujur dalam proses mengingat. Penyembuhan dapat terjadi ketika mengingat dilakukan dengan jujur dan ingatan tersebut dibawa menjadi milik komunal yang akhirnya membebaskan individu dari ingatan pahitnya.

Kata-kata Kunci: mengingat, ingatan, rekonsiliasi, konflik, memori, lupa, memaafkan, ekaristi, komunal, perjamuan kudus

Lihat Cover: Cover Jurnal Diskursus – Vol. 12 No. 1, Oktober 2013

Lihat Isi: Jurnal Diskursus – Vol. 12 No. 1, Oktober 2013 – Teologi Ingatan sebagai Dasar Rekonsiliasi dalam Konflik

Lihat Peer-Review: Peer Review Jurnal Diskursus

3. “Ekaristi dan Rekonsiliasi: Sebuah Upaya Mencari Ekklesiologi Gereja-gereja Pasca Konflik”

Dalam Jurnal: Jurnal Gema Teologi, Vol. 37 No. 1, April 2013. ISSN: 0853-4500. Fakultas Teologi UKDW Yogyakarta. pp. 47-60

Abstraksi: Rekonsiliasi diperlukan di antara gereja-gereja yang berpisah akibat konflik sebagai sebuah usaha untuk mencapai pendamaian dan gereja yang esa. Usaha ini dimulai dengan mencari ekklesiologi yang benar dari makna teologis ekaristi sebagai lex orandi teologi gereja yang baik. Selain tempat rekonsiliasi, ekaristi adalah sebuah tempat di mana hospitalitas terhadap seluruh mahluk dilaksanakan. Karena itu, gereja-gereja diajak untuk kembali memikirkan dan memperbarui teologi perjamuan kudus mereka, untuk mencapai rekonsiliasi dengan Allah, umat dan seluruh ciptaan.

Kata-kata Kunci: pertumbuhan, perpecahan, konflik, rekonsiliasi, lex orandi, ekaristi, pengampunan, liturgy, eklesiologi, hospitalitas.

Lihat Cover: Jurnal Gema Teologi – Vol. 37 No. 1, April 2013

Lihat Isi: Jurnal Gema Teologi – Vol. 37 No. 1, April 2013 – Ekaristi dan Rekonsiliasi

Lihat peer-review: Peer Review Jurnal Gema Teologi

4. Analisis Kritis Liturgi Perjamuan Kudus HKBP.

Dalam Jurnal: Indonesian Journal of Theology, Vol. 2 No. 1, 2014. ISSN: 2356-1521. pp. 42-64.

Abstraksi: The liturgy of the Eucharist is a communal rite that becomes a very important foundation of the theological construction of the church. The church must have a good foundation of the Eucharist as a place where they can encounter God as a community. As a result, the theology that comes from this encounter will encourage the church to act out in her theology in the world. In 2014, Huria Kristen Batak Protestan (Protestant Batak Christian Church/HKBP) is trying to reformulate their church order. This research encourages HKBP to look at their theology of the Eucharist more seriously. By using a critical analysis towards the HKBP liturgy of the Eucharist, this paper shows the inconsistency between HKBP church documents view on the Eucharist. The inconsistency is caused by the different times of the writing of the documents, which were never synchronized.

Kata-Kata Kunci: Perjamuan Kudus, Ekaristi, Protestant Batak Christian Church (HKBP), Dokumen Baptism Eucharist Ministry (BEM), Agenda, Liturgi, Pengakuan Iman.

Lihat Cover: cover IJT 2014 BJP

Lihat Isi: Jurnal IJT -Vol. 2 No. 1, 2014 – Analisis Kritis Liturgi Perjamuan Kudus HKBP

Lihat peer-review: Peer Review Indonesian Journal of Theology

5. Kok Semua Benar? Panduan Memilih dalam Dunia Postmodern

Dalam Buku: Binsar J. Pakpahan (ed.) Perjalanan: Semua Mendayung. Jakarta: UPI STFT Jakarta, 2014. ISBN: 978-602-1336-01-4. pp. 340-353.

Abstraksi: Postmodernisme membawa perubahan dalam memandang kebenaran dan fakta. Setelah dipengaruhi oleh fenomenologi Husserl, dunia memandang kebenaran dari sudut pandang subjek dan melihat objek juga sebagai subjek yang memiliki hak pada dirinya sendiri. Karena itu, seorang subjek tidak akan pernah bisa mengenal sang liyan, the other, atau objek sepenuhnya karena pemahaman kita hanya bagian dari siapa objek itu. Kebenaran kita menjadi benar bagi kita, namun tidak menjadikan kebenaran yang lain menjadi salah. Di sini timbul pertentangan bagaimana kita bisa menentukan apa kebenaran yang paling benar. Makalah ini membantu kita untuk melihat cara yang ditawarkan oleh Paulus untuk melihat kebenaran berdasarkan kasus yang dihadapinya dalam masalah makanan yang sudah dipersembahkan ke berhala.

Kata-kata Kunci: Postmodern, kebenaran, Levinas, Paulus, fenomenologi

Lihat Cover: small Kok Semua Benar – Perjalanan Semua Mendayung – BJP

Lihat Isi: Kok Semua Benar – Perjalanan Semua Mendayung – BJP

Lihat peer-review: Peer Review Bab Buku Perjalanan Semua Mendayung

6. Menuju Model (-model) Ibadah yang Membangun: Sebuah Telaah Relasi Pertumbuhan Spiritualitas dan Ibadah dalam Dunia Postmodern

Dalam Buku: Robinson Butarbutar, Benny Sinaga, Julius Simaremare (eds.), Spiritualitas Ekologis. Jakarta: Institut Darma Mahardika, 2014. ISBN: 978-979-96804-8-8. pp: 127-147.

Abstraksi: Ibadah dan spiritualitas selalu memiliki hubungan yang tak dapat dipisahkan namun tidak selalu dibicarakan dalam forum yang sama. Ibadah membantu seseorang mengembangkan spiritualitasnya dan spiritualitas seseorang akan mendorongnya untuk merespon karya sang Ilahi dalam hidupnya. Karena itu, spiritualitas yang baik akan terbangun melalui ibadah yang baik. Pertanyaannya adalah, spiritualitas dan ibadah seperti apa yang baik bagi gereja? Dalam perkembangan filsafat dunia, terdapat banyak gugatan kepada sentralitas dan keutamaan sebuah narasi utama. Kesadaran akan perbedaan sudut pandang sang subjek (fenomenologi), kegagalan modernitas, dan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan membuat dunia memasuki era pengakuan terhadap cerita-cerita alternatif di samping kebenaran utama. Kita sekarang mulai mengakui bahwa dalam memberi makna terhadap suatu hal, subjek memiliki konteks, pemikiran, dan perasaannya sendiri. Pada akhirnya, apa yang baik bagi seseorang belum tentu baik bagi yang lain. Tulisan ini akan berusaha membahas perbedaan-perbedaan yang ada dalam tahap-tahap pertumbuhan spiritual. Saya akan menggunakan artikel karya Don Willet, “A Biblical Model of Stages of Spiritual Develompent: The Journey According to John” (2010) dan buku karya Gary Thomas, Sacred Pathways: Menemukan Jalan Spiritual Anda Menuju Allah (2013). Kedua karya ini diramu untuk membantu kita memahami apa hubungan spiritualitas dan ibadah terutama dalam dunia yang semakin menghindari narasi pusat modernitas.

Kata-kata Kunci: model spiritualitas, religiusitas, ibadah, postmodern, Gary Thomas

Lihat Cover: cover Spiritualitas Ekologis

Lihat Isi: Spiritualitas Ekologi (Bunga Rampai)

Lihat peer-review: Peer Review Bab Buku Spiritualitas Ekologis

7. Perintah Mencintai Sesama: Memahami Filosofi Cinta dalam Konteks Keberagaman Dunia Postmodern

Dalam Buku: Memahami Filosofi Cinta dalam Konteks Keberagaman Dunia Postmodern” in Octafred Yosi Roripandei et. al. (eds.) Lihatlah Sekelilingmu! Jakarta: Jusuf Roni Center, 2015. ISBN: 978-602-95981-8-6. pp: 125-146.

Abstraksi: Bagaimana kita bisa menghargai keberagaman (sesama manusia) dalam pemahaman cinta di masa postmodern ini? Saya akan mencoba mengangkat hal ini dalam pembahasan mengenai cinta, dilihat dari tiga tokoh utama: Irving Singer, Zygmunt Bauman, dan Søren Kierkegaard. Tulisan ini akan membantu kita memahami bahwa cinta merupakan perintah yang diberikan, yang membuat orang Kristen terikat kepada sesamanya dalam mode tidak linear dan tidak resiprokal. Cinta adalah perintah yang dinternalisasi dalam kehidupan dan Teologi orang Kristen.

Kata-kata Kunci: Kiergegaard, cinta, Bauman, Singer, postmodern

Lihat Cover: Cover Lihatlah Sekelilingmu

Lihat Isi: JRC – Perintah Mencintai Sesama

Lihat peer-review: Peer Review Bab Buku Lihatlah Sekelilingmu

8. The Role of Memory in the Formation of Early Christian Identity

Dalam Buku: Simone Sinn (Author, Editor), Michael Reid Trice (Editor), Religious Identity and Renewal in the Twenty-first Century: Jewish, Christian and Muslim Explorations. Geneva & Seattle: The Lutheran World Federation and Seattle University, 2015. ISBN: 978-3-374-04171-8. pp. 113-125.

Abstraksi: The liturgy of the Eucharist is a communal rite that becomes a very important foundation of the theological construction of the church. The church must have a good foundation of the Eucharist as a place where they can encounter God as a community. As a result, the theology that comes from this encounter will encourage the church to act out in her theology in the world. In 2014, Huria Kristen Batak Protestan (Protestant Batak Christian Church/HKBP) is trying to reformulate their church order. This research encourages HKBP to look at their theology of the Eucharist more seriously. By using a critical analysis towards the HKBP liturgy of the Eucharist, this paper shows the inconsistency between HKBP church documents view on the Eucharist. The inconsistency is caused by the different times of the writing of the documents, which were never synchronized.

Kata-Kata Kunci: memory, remembrance, social memory, christian identity, active memory, communal, eucharist

Lihat Cover: cover Religious Identity and Renewal

Lihat Isi: The_Role_of_Memory_in_the_Formation_of_Eearly Christian

Lihat peer-review: Peer Review Prosiding Religious Identity and Renewal in the 21 Century

9. Arise and Shine!

Dalam Buku: Living Together in the Household of God – Asian Reflections, Bangkok: Christian Conference of Asia, 2015. ISBN: 978-962-7439-62-2. pp. 47-53.


The text explores Isaiah 60:1-5 in the context of Asia and local theology to understand what the command to rise up and shine mean. Isaiah 60 pictures the audience as a woman since most of the Hebrew verbs are in feminine form. Isaiah 51:17-52:2 depicts Jerusalem as a woman. Since the people of Israel were returning from exile (from the darkness), the message was to encourage Israel to restore and rebuild the temple (to the light). The words “arise” (qū·mî) and “shine” (’ō·w·rî) are to highlight the coming of the light of God (Isa. 40:10). In chapter 59, God’s presence is symbolized as light (compare Isa. 9:1 where light will come from the descendant of King David). Verses 19-20 give a clear example that the light does not come from the sun or the moon; rather, God is the source of everlasting light. Churches in Asia, are called to be messengers of this good news in the midst of the challenging and depressing realities of today. Our light should radiate towards others. The household of God in the Assembly theme is a reminder for us to move beyond the boundaries of the church. Isaiah reminds us that the light reaches everyone and will be seen by people who are in the darkness. God’s love moves beyond our boundaries, especially when we radiate that light towards others. The household of God is large enough and God’s light is bright enough to reach all creation. As Psalm 145:9 puts it: “The Lord is good to all, and his compassion is over all that he has made.”

Keywords: Asian theology, Isaiah 60, arise, shine, household of God

Lihat Cover: Cover – Arise and Shine biblestudies (17Apr) CCA

Lihat Isi: CCA- Arise and shine

Lihat peer-review: Peer Review Prosiding Living Together in The Household of God

10. Tuhan Mengangkat Kita dari Samudera Raya: Menjadi Pelayan Meski sedang Tertekan

Dalam Buku: Tuhan Mengangkat kita dari Samudera Raya (10 Bahan PA Sidang Raya Persekutuan Gereja-gereja di Indonesia), Jakarta: PGI dan BPK GM, 2015. ISBN: 978-602-231-166-9. pp. 69-76.

Lihat Cover: cover Tuhan-Mengangkat-Kita-dari-Samudera-Raya-2013

Lihat Isi:

11. “Sharing a Common Story for an Indonesian Context”

Dalam Jurnal: Journal of Reformed Theology, Vol. 2 No. 1, 2008. ISSN: 1872-5163. Brill. pp. 63-74.

Abstraksi: People tend to forget their past hurt because it is too much pain to bear. Forgive and forget is a saying that is imposed on victims about their traumatic past. This saying is not entirely wrong, but before we get to that point, we need to remember our hurt in order to forgive. The remembrance of the past is, in fact, needed to be able to forgive and reconcile. This is not an easy yhing to do, especially when the role of victim and perpetrator is not clearly defined. However, it is still a better option for achieving real forgiveness and reconciliation than forgetting.

Kata-kata kunci: remembrance, forgiveness, reconciliation, conflict, trauma.

Lihat Cover: Cover Journal of Reformed Theology – Vol. 2 No. 1, 2008

Lihat Isi:

12. God Remembers: Towards a Theology of Remembrance as a Basis of Reconciliation in Communal Conflict

Penerbit: VU University Press, The Netherlands, 2012. ISBN: 978-90-8659-603-4

Abstraksi: God Remembers is a search for a theological basis of remembrance in communal conflict. Starting with a case study of a real conflict within the HKBP/Christian Batak Protestant Church in Indonesia in the years 1992-1998, this book relates a biblical understanding of remembrance to the work of Johann Baptist Metz, Alexander Schmemann and Miroslav Volf, three theologians who have made significant contributions to the understanding of conflict and remembrance in their own respective Christian traditions. The author argues that history’s traumatic wounds are healed by a transformative remembrance of the past rather than by forgetting or ignoring what has gone wrong.

Kata-kata Kunci: Remembrance, HKBP, reconciliation, Schmemann, Metz, Volf, memory, forget, conflict, communal.

Lihat Cover: Buku – God Remembers – 2012

13. Holiness and Reconciliation: The Challenge of Ecclesiology of Reconciliation

Artikel dalam Buku: Like Living Stone (Kumpulan Makalah LWF Studies 2010). ISSN: 1025-2290; ISBN: 978-1-93268860-3. Lutheran University Press, Minnesota. pp. 103-111

Abstraksi: The church is a place where God’s love is expressed in the forgiveness of sins and reconciliation and healing are celebrated. Through faith we are gathered as body of Christ in the church. It is a place where we are reconciled not only with God but also with one another. However, stories of church conflicts are not unusual. We find separations there where we are supposed to be reconciled: simul iustus et peccator.

Kata-kata Kunci: Luther, conflict, church, reconciliation, Indonesia, North Sumatra.

Lihat Cover: Holiness and Reconciliation – Buku Like Living Stone LWF Studies – 2010

14. Identity and Remembrance

Artikel dalam buku: “Christian Identity” (Makalah dalam International Reformed Theological Institute: 6th International Conference, Seoul, 2005). ISSN: 1571-4799; ISBN: 978-90-04-15806-1. Brill, 2008. pp. 105-117.

Abstraksi: Memory and identity cannot be separated. As the later part of the tradition, Christian identity will always be connected with the history of Israel. This article will explore how Israel, as the chosen people of God, shares their identity in their remembrance of God. The Old Testament shows that Israel actively re-experiences those memories as their identity and not just as an act of calling something into mind. Thus, the memory of God’s saving action is very important for Israel to create their identity, and it shapes the present and future Israelites tradition. This brings us to the reflection of what can be our true Christian identity through our memories from the many layers of our identities.

Kata-kata Kunci: Identity, memory, remembrance, Israelites, Old Testament, memory, zakhar.

Lihat Cover: Identity and Remembrance – Buku Christian Identity – 2008